Cardiac health during Covid pandemic for Working from home (WFH) people. IT professionals and teachers and many others are working from home during the pandemic and although it reduces Covid transmission it can also predispose to health issues. #COVID19
Adding up wt and inches to waistline is more due to boredom eating/lack of exercise. Cut down on calorie intake especially carbs. Since you're sedentary you'll need less calories/day. Eating 100cal extra per day = 5-6kg weight gain over 1 year. (1 dosa = 70cal) #caloriewatch
Fix a routine which is equal to number of working hours if you physically went to office. Just bcos you're at home doesn't mean you'll be logged in 24x7. Do not answer emails beyond working hours unless it's really urgent. Have atleast 45-60min of exercise daily. #exercise
If you're a diabetic or hypertensive, do keep a close watch on sugars and blood pressure. Take meds regularly and keep in touch with your doctor through teleconsults and do not avoid going to a doctor if advised. #teleconsultation
Keep taking breaks and move around especially when talking on phone etc. Eye strain/headaches can be avoided by taking breaks from computer screen and using antiglare glasses. Use ergonomically designed chairs so that constant sitting doesn't cause back pain. Stretch! #ergonomics
This is a good time to wean yourself off and stop smoking. Since there is no office peer pressure and there is a home environment it is easier to quit. Use a doctor's help to do it effectively. Nicotine patches and gums are helpful. #saynototobacco
Increased rates of life threatening events like heart attacks and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in lungs) and brainstroke are being observed in this pandemic - partly due to Covid and partly due to sedentary lifestyle. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial to prevent these.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. 30-60ml of Whiskey or a glass of wine or a pint of beer on 2 days of the week is an acceptable limit (reduced for Indian population as there no standard Indian guidelines). Anything above can predispose to wt gain and health issues.
You can follow @DrDeepakKrishn1.
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