1. What's the last food you were craving?
2. turn offs?
3. now let's get the turn ons?
4. what's the WORST way you've broken something off with someone? remember @'s are always a fun addition to the game.
5. @ someone you haven't smashed but would.
6. what's your most recent regret?
7. post a brutally honest opinion of someone without naming them.
8. were on love island now. who are you coupling up with this week? ( not who ur involved with currently )
9. pick a perfect threesome
10. FMK your last three dms
11. you're and the last person you dmed are the last people on earth. thoughts?
12. what's your last draft?
13. what's the last thing that happened that caused you to question yourself/someone in your life?
14. compliment the first person on your tl
15. when was the last time someone made your heart flutter? how did they do it?
16. What are the reasons someone SHOULDNT be romantically interested in you.
17. who was the last person you said i love you too?
18. what's making you feel guilty right now?
19. who are the three people you would call in an emergency?
20. who on campus has struck you as immature or unable to take care of themself? (yourself isn’t an option)
21. what advice does someone on campus needs to hear, but probably doesn’t want to? name the person and give the advice.
22. have you ever broken plans off with someone on campus to be with someone else? name them both
23. are any of your friends with someone you can’t fully endorse? why not?
24. do you feel like someone ( romantically/friends) is holding you back?
25. what's a fundamental difference between you and someone here that you just don't think you'll ever get over?
26. describe a time you lost a little bit of respect for someone here.
27. what's something you think someone here needs to let go of but just won't?
28. have you ever dated, wanted to date, or wanted to fuck a friend’s ex? whose?
29. describe a time you've felt second hand embarrassment from someone here.
we're gonna end it on 30 for now. LAST QUESTION. what's the most fun thing you've done here no one knows about?
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