Hey have you ever wanted to get to know every single podracer in The Phantom Menace in depth
This guy's name is Wan Sadage. I hate him. This character had a major role in George Lucas’ first draft of A new Hope and i wish i was making that up
Aldar Beedo:
Race: Glymphid
Homeworld: Ploo II
Fate in Podrace: Finished third
Fun Fact: Did a bunch of stuff in legends
I fucking hate him
Race: Triffian
Homeplanet: Triffis
Fate in Podrace: placed fourth
Fun Fact: had a big rivalry with Sebulba, was scarred in a swoop racing accident, dont like him
BAD. Now what’s funny is if you google Boles Roor you get results of this little guy but in the movie they announce Boles but show Teemto Pagliales
Elan Mak. I hate this dude. He's a Fluggrian from Ploo VI and he got fifth place
YES. Dud Bolt
Race: Vulptereen
Home Planet: Vulpter
Fate in Podrace: Falls behind the pack, survives, went on to do a lot of podracing
Fun Facts: friends with Sebulba and helped him sabotage Mars Gu
Race: Er’Kit
Homeworld: Tattooine
Fate in podrace: He’s the one with the pit droids! One of them gets sucked into his engine and he crashes and you see him look sad lol
Fun Fact: Okay wait they say “hometown boy” abut Anakin but not Ody?? What gives
Okay this one broke me. This is Ark Roose. His nickname is Bumpy. He is a Nuknog from Sump. He collides with Dud Bolt during the race
Mars Guo i like him!
Race: Bardottan
Homeworld: Phu
Fate in Podrace: Sebulba tosses a piece of scrap into his engine and he crashes, but survives
Fun Fact: His species wasn’t identified until The Clone Wars season 6 episode 8
MAWHONIC is the man.
Race: Gran
Homeworld: Hok
Fate in Podrace: Flies neck and neck with Sebulba for a while, Sebulba eventually smashes him into a wall, maybe killing him
Fun Fact: Only podracer played by a human actor in a costume! You know he had to Mawhoit to em
Gasgano! cool dude
Race: Xexto
Homeworld: Troiken
Fate in podrace: Gasgano tails the leaders for most of the podrace
Fun Facts: i like him. He had a camera installed on the back of his podracer hooked up to a screen in front so he could track people behind him
Ratts Tyerell. He’s the one who flies into the stalactite in the caverns and he dies and according to wookiepedia he was very famous on his home planet and it was an incredibly tragic event for his family and planet, who mourn him a in a deleted scene for some reason?
Teemto Pagliales he gets wrecked in the podrace but he does survive! Considered to be very handsome for his race. His crash led to a prequel meme
George Lucas invented some really cool guys. This is Clegg Holdfast who is actually a journalist for a magazine called Pod Racing Quarterly. He is briefly seen looking for quote “dirty news in the cantina at Mos Espa Grand Arena” before the podrace.
A Xamster from Xagobah. In “Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Casefiles on the Galaxy’s Most Notorious” it is actually made canon that a police investigator found evidence that he was kidnapped and assassinated by bounty hunter Aurra Sing who was working for Jabba the Hutt
We stan. He's a Dug from Mastalore. There's a comic where he has an adventure with Lando! or something idk i havent read it
Ben here is a Toong from the planet Tund. This was one of his first races, and he obviously does poorly but he went on be very successful and huge rivals with Sebulba. Anakin even had a poster of him on his wall.
what the fuck! apparently this guy was there but there's no info on him. I think if we could perceive him we would go mad.
hello king. i love you. last but not least. the best podracer ever. Anakin Skywalker
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