First debate question at a DEMOCRATIC debate: "You support Medicare for All, which would eventually take private health insurance away from more than 150 million Americans in exchange for government sponsored healthcare for everyone..."
"Congressman Delaney just referred to it as bad policy, and previously, he has called the idea political suicide that will just get President Trump reelected. What do you say to congressman Delaney?"

Bernie: You're wrong!
"Would you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for medicare for all?"

"Senator Sanders, you want to provide undocumented immigrants free healthcare and free college. Why wont this drive even more people to come to the US illegally?"
"If medicare for all is enacted, there are more than 600k union members here in Michigan who would be forced to give up their private healthcare plan."
"If voters are hearing the same message from you and from president Trump on the issue of military intervention, how should they expect that you will be any different from him?

- Jake Tapper
"Senator Warren, you want to make it US policy that the US will never use a nuclear weapon unless another country uses one first. Why should the US tie its own hands with that policy?"
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