If you've been wondering why the Democrats seem so evil and dark, it's because they're being spiritually upheld and reinforced by witches. Don't take my word for it. Google it for yourself. They've been cursing Trump every month nonstop since 2016.
This also applies to the people who run and work in social media companies. These companies are staffed with open uncloseted witches. The entire left is. That's where the resistance is really coming from. It's a spiritual resistance manifesting in physical ways.
Conservatives remain unequipped to stop the left because we're not collectively addressing the issue at its spiritual root and source. That's why we win an election and still lose culture. We get the White House and the left still wins America.
They're using spiritual power, albeit dark power, while we keep thinking its just about votes, racial issues, etc. It's deeper than that. Until we start using the power and authority of Jesus Christ to push back the darkness, we'll continue falling victims to their evil schemes.
My goal during this election cycle and beyond is to arm our side with spiritual power. And that power comes through our Christian roots and knowledge. If we try to beat the left on intellect alone, they'll still take the WH, congress, keep the cities and win America.
It's time to be spiritually intellectual too. We already have superior arguments. Now we need superior dedication, knowledge and action. I recommend all of you reading this thread check out a powerful ebook titled Witch. It's about the rise of this power in America today,
and how its being used by the left to empower their wicked agenda to overthrow our country & Christian values. Did you know the fastest growing religion in the US today is Wicca/paganism? It's no longer Christianity. And that's a problem, because it means we are losing the war.
Beliefs determine policies. And if you don't want your children growing up in a pagan America, you'd better start upgrading your own knowledge and understanding of the fight we are in and your place in it. Check out the ebook at https://edendecoded.com/books/witch . You'll be glad you did.
You can follow @mrsnyamajor.
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