Truly cannot put into words the rage I feel when I hear Chris Christie has checked himself into hospital “out of an abundance of caution.” How many have died because they are told not to use hospitals’ scarce resources until they are literally at death’s door?
How many lives of 207,000+ lost could’ve been saved if hospitals had had the PPE they needed? The surge ventilators they desperately requested? How many parents, children, wives, husbands would still be here if they could’ve gotten early care “out of an abundance of caution?”
How many died because they didn’t go to the hospital at all, knowing inadequate health coverage would leave them with crippling debt? How many died because they had to keep going to work in public-facing jobs, being exposed and re-exposed every day for the sake of The Economy™️?
How many couldn’t afford the pulse oximeters they told us to buy to monitor oxygen saturation at home and determine when they were “sick enough” to warrant hospitalization? How many could, but got so sick waiting to be “sick enough” that it was too late to save them?
They gutted the system so the only working parts work only for them, and they revel in gobbling up the resources withheld from the rest of us in the name of “small government” and “fiscal responsibility.” It is not new, not surprising, but still astonishingly brazen and enraging
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