tw: suicide mention

What's crazy to me is that people walk around thinking they can heal their own issues. This is why access to mental health needs to be available and mental health needs to be destigmatized. This is not a diss towards OP, but I'm trying to inform.
Remember how Suicide Prevention & Awareness Month was actually last week.

What doesn't sit right with my spirit is that you guys be yelling heal at the top of your lungs and not everybody has fucking health insurance.
Can you heal without a support system? This means friends and family who are encouraging you to continue on your recovery. This means having trustworthy people who are informed about your issues and won't let you spiral.
This is why people have fucking emergency contacts. So if it's wrong of me to insinuate that people should not isolate themselves because they have their issues like everybody else does, I'll be wrong.
This is why I say people can't handle if their partner has a traumatic event happen to them. Shit happens and there's no reason for it, car accidents, death, life-changing injuries.
what y'all really want is for people to isolate themselves because you cannot handle the fact that people are going through their own issues. I am personally very upset when any of my friends go through something and they want to instinctively isolate.
As someone who has lost a lover to suicide, I'm not trying to lose anybody else to it. If I put it in this perspective to you, does everybody understand why I said what I said?
No, your friends cannot be your therapists and doctors, but you know what they can do? They can do their research. They may have connections of their own. Being Black means you need a support system especially when it comes to the medical shit.
if they think that black people don't feel pain, they definitely don't think we feel anxious, they definitely don't think we feel suicidal, even our own community really stigmatizes mental health and calls it white people shit.
And was even more crazier, statistically, men are more at risk for a successful suicide. So think about toxic masculinity and how it forces men to just crush their emotions. Now you'll be looking at all of your guy friends very differently if you have a shred of empathy.
I am exhausted that I have to explain this every time I mention the word healing. Y'all want people to heal by themselves, but that's how THEY DIE.
How can you be a safe person so your friend struggling in an abusive relationship can actually get the help that they need? How can you be a safe person so that your friend struggling with bipolar disorder can feel safe enough to tell you, "Can you take me to the hospital?"
Do you think those people don't deserve love? Not until they're better, right. You're trying to put a time limit on finding love, when the Universe decides that. You're trying to control other people's lives. And it's not fucking fair.
Y'all y'all need to date people who think the same way as you. I dated somebody that was pretty much neurotypical and I really suffered by myself. For all that, I should've been single. I couldn't get understanding out of that person. I had to cry and scream to be seen and heard.
And that was after I was dropped by a psychiatrist and I had so many trust issues concerning the mental health system that it took years for me to seek help again as a Black woman.
Saying someone needs to heal before they find love is just stigmatizing mental health issues. too many people are out there suffering alone, thinking they're too broken for someone to ever love them. This idea enforces that thinking.
And I thought we are all about positive thinking, healing, support and love.

And love? It's the highest vibration.

But brainwash vulnerable people if you want to. Brainwash yourself if you want to.
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