Dallas/Fort Worth Real Estate Stats

In total, there were significantly less listings in 2020 compared to previous years. You can see the peak listings was lower than 4 of the last 5 years.

September, however, is back close to normal. Red dots on September months.
Despite the low number of listings, there were more closed sales at peak than ever before and September remained high above recent years. Again, red dots represent September closings.
High sales with low new listings has resulted in the least number of homes on the market in years.

COVID has directly resulted in the strongest seller's market DFW has seen in years.

Do I need to explain the red dots again?
That said, the number of pending sales is normalizing. If listings continue to increase in October then we would see inventory returning to the market. For now, the lack of inventory remains and low interest rates continue to attract buyers.
This year, the median sales price remained at the annual peak through September. Typically the median price peaks prior to September.
Months Supply is a direct reflection of the lack of new listings while closings soared. It is at the lowest in years after seeing an uptrend over the past several years.
Supply down, Demand up, Prices up.

Many builders are raising prices with every third home sold. A rate previously unheard of.

How sustainable is it? If it's a bubble how much higher can prices go before popping?

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