im watching endgame high so here’s my live tweet of me making fun of this trash movie
nebula is so cute she literally doesn’t understand how to make friends
carol seeing fury’s pictures and her face is like 🥺
no tony u don’t need to shave, you need a doctor
tony a suit of armor around the world ideally sounds nice but humans aren’t ideal
tony is in awe of carol always
cocky carol 🤤
carol danvers can choke me out any day
thor said: chop chop head goes bye bye
the russo brothers do be loyal tho, they said “let’s give parts to friends from community”
scott b like where are people
nat and steve’s friendship
scott you are so awkward
scott smart but also he’s a goofball
morgan in the rescue mask 🥺
tony says: smart noises
we need a big brains aka hulk brains
professor hulk hello
dab 🤢🤮
tony and morgan saying shit is so cute
tony can’t rest til he saves everyone sure
scott: ur so right captain america

scott identifies as a cap stan first
steve is amazed by science but doesn’t understand it and it is so funny to me
someone peed scott’s pants oh no
I see this as an absolute win
tony is like guys i’m smarter than you 🙄
scott is the idiot in the landing zone haha me too
off to get thor
valkyrie 🥺
thor’s not doing well homiez
thor sweetie im so sorry that this movie is so mean to you
it does him so dirty through body shaming, making fun of his ptsd and anxiety, etc.
thor bruce tho
here comes ratner as a serial killer of poc
such a shitty ronin
the aether is not a stone silly steve
scott is so invested in thor’s story
not it
here we go action time
im so high this is funny
cap is good at speeches
no natasha we won’t see you in a minute
hulk be embarrassed of his past but like smash homie
thor running past loki lol
haha cool fat phobia towards thor haha cool love to see it 🙄
yeah rocket just slap thor during a panic attack 🙄
hey gamora
steve saying hail hydra with a smirk lmao
haha bye loki
the only way to truly stop steve is to tell him about bucky so 🤷🏻‍♀️ sounds gay to me
this movie is so bad
captain steve america roger
stan lee rip
yvette heelloooo
hi jarvis 🥺
thor being worried about bruce
rocket messing with stark lmao
bruce be like : pass out
peggy said : I cannot see through windows
oh gamora 😓
it should’ve been clint
the iron man suit is sexc
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