
Permissibility of Prayer Beads 📿
The 'Allāma, ibn 'Allān said in his commentary on al-Nawawī's al-Adhkār, explaining the statement of the Prophet ﷺ"... and they should count on the fingers, for they shall speak and bear witness.":
[F]or this reason, the people of devout worship and others have taken rosaries
for themselves. In the commentary on al-Mishkāt, Ibn Ḥajar said: "The command to use the fingers mentioned here in this Ḥadīth indicates that it is recommended to use a rosary. The claim that it is an innovation is incorrect, unless such a statement is interpreted to mean
that (the innovation) is found in some of the particular modalities that have been invented by the foolish, such as using it solely for adornment, ostentation, or play."
Ibn al-Jawzī said: "The rosary is recommended, as per the Ḥadīth of Ṣafiyya that mentions her glorifying Allāh while using date stones or pebbles (to keep count). The Prophet ﷺ approved of her action, and the rosary takes on the same meaning, for the intent
(behind the two objects) is the same, be they joined together (fastened on a string) or separate."

Therefore, the view of those who state that it is an innovation is not to be relied upon.
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