Day "1" The Ghostmaster (The Real Ghostbusters)
With all the chaos of October art-challenges this year, I've decided to do my own thing - daily little ink and watercolour of favourite ghosts and goblins from media I love.
Day "2": A rando background ghost from The Real Ghostbusters cartoon I always liked.
(Actually) Day 3: A quickie background ghost from (you guessed it) The Real Ghostbusters cartoon! 😱
(I'll do other kinds of ghosts this week, I swear!)
#therealghostbusters #ghostbusters
Day 5: Katie Harwood (Ghost Ship)

A sad ghost-girl from a pretty-ok movie 😊
Day 6: Prince Vince (Beetlejuice Cartoon)
Our favourite emo-royalty.
I'm not sure if he's technically a ghost, but I think ruler of the Neitherworld has to count for something 😝
#spookyseason #artistsontwitter
Day 7: Lorraine Massey "The Woman in the Bathtub" (The Shining)
She scared the bejesus out of me the first time I saw the movie and she's so, so much worse in the book 👀
Day 8: Captain Le Chuck (Monkey Island)
I miss the Lucas Arts games lol.
Day 9: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
The ghost with the most just chilling :3
#beetlejuice #spookyseason
Day 10: Oscar Zhan
(Strange Tales of Oscar Zhan)
I loved this series on Webtoon by & can't wait for the third season :3
My favourite little spud💚
Day 12: The King of the Dead Men of Dunharrow (& company)
(Lord of the Rings)
One of the spookiest parts of the book when I was little & one of the most poorly handled in the movies (fight me), it's still a fave.
Day 13: The Jackal (13 Ghosts)
Nightmare fuel for daaaaays👀💀
Day 14: Wat (The Real Ghostbusters)
Today got away from me in a big way lol, so this one's a quickie.
I always loved Wat's face design & his weird little tweedle-hairs 💚
Day 15: Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Someday, I will have a schedule for myself that I'm able to keep.
Not this day.
But some day 😂
Day 16: Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Even as a kid, the idea that just because something *looks* scary, doesn't mean it's bad in earlier Tim Burton movies was always really cool to me, and the Maitlands were great examples of that.💚
Day 17: Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
I'll get the hang of this thread thing yet😅
Day 18: Closet Skull Ghost (Poltergeist)
I love this movie dearly💚
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