We really need to talk about David Seymour.

I worry we don’t take all the things to be concerned about seriously.

I’m going to try to pull it all into one thread because sure as hell we’ll need to start referencing this if we choose to hand him power that he should not have.
(There are a couple of content warnings through this for threats of violence and transphobia but just saying it upfront as well.)
Reasons to worry:
Bad policy that disproportionately affects the most vulnerable New Zealanders, and doesn’t appear to recognise the vast demonstrable impacts of widening income inequality.👇
78% of people suffer heart damage from Covid-19.
1 in 10 people get Long Covid.
This was said in August when this data was readily available, when science was very clear Covid-19 is absolutely not “just the flu” - this take is irresponsible from someone claiming to be a leader.
Speaking of science, the unwillingness to listen to a scientist taking the time to explain the science to him was at best incredibly rude and dismissive and to be honest a concerning glimpse as to how, as a leader, the man would respond to actual facts and data.
Dog whistling to white supremacists isn’t a joke, but it’s been repeatedly treated like one - I don’t care if this is the “NZ version” - the MAGA hat is absolutely a symbol of hate and no politician has any business being anywhere near one - the below was a decision - not a joke.
Speaking of white supremacy, let’s be really clear that every time this happens, it emboldens white supremacists in NZ.
Look at Trump’s Pro*d Boy* comments.
For my money, you don’t accidentally get in the news celebrating that hate is allowed to be disseminated.
Speaking of free speech and deliberate acts - who was emboldened after the words?

Racists? White supremacists? People who think it’s okay to threaten to attack others?
Guy really knows his audience, doesn’t he.
*CW Threats of violence*

Just a silly comment?

He said he would “destroy mosque after mosque till I am taken out.”

That’s not a silly comment, a joke, something to be minimised or dismissed.

That is a threat.
“When people show you who they are, believe them.”
A principled stance about rushing through legislation?
Or a deliberate stance with two goals - to raise his platform and to call to the free speech crowd.🤔
It blows my mind, that this man is being touted as a possible Deputy PM by the Leader of the Opposition when there are deeply questionable relationships like this at play.
Oh, wait. It makes sense. Look at who appears to know who. And what they’re both interested to hear more about.
For the record, I know we’re talking about David Seymour but New Conservative policies are blatantly racist, misogynist and homophobic and it is my fervent belief it is absolutely irresponsible to write about them without explicitly stating this fact.
*CW Transphobia*

At that meeting, this is what was said. Which should be reported and called out as absolute transphobia from a party that might eventually be courted by ACT and by National. (And if that happens in 3 years frankly we should all be terrified.)
These views aren’t only held within the New Conservatives. They’re also held within ACT - or at least they were until July 2020 when this man resigned.
Which I guess made it easy for David Seymour to allow this transphobic group to speak at Parliament.
The thing is not “well, we have to allow David Seymour to say what he wants and report it and shrug our shoulders when people who hear the “free speech” dog whistle take it as a sign that their hate is legitimised.”

Free speech does not mean the absence of criticism. https://twitter.com/kirsty_johnston/status/1311855219047759872
I truly believe that the more these views are normalised, not only from Seymour but from conspiracy & conservative movements, the more the norms we take for granted are eroded.
We can’t constantly yell fire in a crowded theatre because people will assume it’s part of the show.
By the same token, you can’t be hateful consistently & not have those views be called out - because that’s when our values get eroded, too - who we are as people changes.

Hate speech is something that can only be countered by our own voices; if we ignore it, it becomes normal.
Hate speech - “derogatory public expression targeting historically disadvantaged social groups. Expression characterized as hate speech typically targets racial and ethnic minorities but it can also be directed against women, LGBTQ people, and religious minorities.”
We are giving a platform to Seymour without questioning who the things he says calls to.

We also need to be more cognisant of whether Seymour, and anyone who purports to lead is championing free speech, or hate speech.
“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” - James Baldwin

I would rather have leaders who are well-versed in empathy. Not using free speech as an excuse to stoke fear.
There’s a quickly changing landscape that we need to be cognisant of, and plan for over the next 3 years, team.

The conversation that the UK & US are having? It’s here, now, & some politicians are capitalising on people’s fear.

We need to decide what our values are - and fast./
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