One of my mutuals watched Panty & Stocking and wasn't warned about the shows racist caricatures. So take this as a reminder post; PASWG has a LOT of very very offensive portrayals of black folk in its show. Not only that, the awkward episode with the highschoolers aswell. —
This isn't mention that the black lead in the show is a pedophile. He preys a lot on a highschooler in the show. It's really fucking creepy.
I still think it's an amazing show but it definately is not perfect and has moments where it's "edgy moments" are just not funny & are straight up offensive. There's so much material it could've done without.
Please do not reccomend this show especially to those who are black without a preemptive warning. Let this post be a warning to people about its contents. Feel free to tell me any other things I forgot to mention.
Oh yeah, theres also this weird incest joke with the demon sisters. It's really gross and I suggest skipping the scenes where the jokes are made (I don't remember timestamps or episodes its been a while)
// eating disorders

Oh my GOD not to mention stocking being insecure about her weight and going on a painful diet. I wish there was a warning for that one.
I also forgot the likely pedophilia since brief is in highschool and he has sex with an adult angel (panty) to "save the world" 😶
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