Tweet deleted because I had such a long day and I don’t have strength to drag with anybody this night.

Yeah, let’s not make it a gender war but omo, if this is the only way to make y’all realize how ridiculous you sound when you victim shame and sit on the fence about serious
Issues like rape and GBV, If this is the only way y’all realize how you hurt us and mock our reality with silly patriarchy jokes, so be it.

What’s happening with SARS is terrible. No one is safe. Not men, not women. Not our friends, not our family.

We all have fight this
Menace in the society.

It’s not just about SARS, it’s overhauling the entire system that supports Police brutality.

Because if SARS sees its end today, another silly unit of clueless riffraffs in uniforms will just take its place.
Also, please, as we’re fighting against SARS, remember that there are women who have lived in fear their whole lives. Women who are dead in the grave from rape and domestic violence, women who are scarred for life after suffering one form of abuse or the other.
Women who have to think over and over about their choice of outfit and be made to listen to things like “you brought it upon yourself.”

All these nonsense, inflicted by men such as yourself.

You fear men in uniform, many women are weary of any man at all because we can’t
Tell who is who.

So, as you fight for police brutality to end, if you’re one of those men who have ruined a woman’s life, I hope you feel ashamed of yourself and change.

If you’re those who find the sad reality of women funny in anyway and feel free to resort to dark humor
And “bants”, I hope you now realize how ridiculous and evil you sound and why we’re always angry and “emotional” when y’all do these things.

Being sarcastic or funny about life and death realities that a group of people face daily will always be shitty behavior.
It’s only a pity y’all only realize how bitter the pill is to swallow when it’s finally in your mouth.

P.S- asking me why we’re talking about this now is dumb. We always talk about it. Unlike y’all who only remember men get raped and abused when we’re dealing with a female victim’s case.

There’s no better time to talk about it than now.
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