Just me and one of my best friends, my cane. Isn't it a beauty? I figured if I'm going to need mobility aids at age I didn't want them to just be something that looks like everyone else's, where's the fun in that?I'm always using a mobility aid be it my cane,my walker or my chair
) I get a lot of comments about if I really need them, if it's just for fashion, if people can touch them or try them out. My aids are am extension of me, they give me a freedom I wouldn't be able to have without them. Most days if not everyday I can't do things without them
I'm tired of being self conscious about things I can't control, I'm tired of wanting to pretend to be "normal"/healthy just to make people more comfortable. I'm just tired of the mask, it's time to start taking it off.
I love this photo @Josh_Esan got a few weeks ago.
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