Drake also has zero women on the OVO team...you ever noticed that? No female producers, no female artists. I don’t talk about it much because, well...his fans are a bit much. But I’ve long maintained that drake hates women and there’s plenty of evidence to undergird this https://twitter.com/shooobz/status/1312368736075223040
No one’s calling him gay, cishets. I didn’t say that. I don’t think Drake is gay. I said I think he hates women. Ideologically and fundamentally. I also think the only real differences between Drake and Chris Brown is socioeconomic class origins, home training and substance abuse
I was being facetious about the “I’m not saying he’s gay, cishets...” thing. But the sad thing is...to a lot of cishets, what I am saying about him is not as bad as if I were to imply he’s gay. Seriously.
Chris Brown is what happens when Drake grows up with parents who don’t love him and without men to model duplicity and how not to abuse and mistreat out in public/in ways that leave visible scars. I’m sure this thread will go over great. https://twitter.com/danblackroyd/status/1312461182352072706
I’ll never forget Rihanna coming out and saying what drake did made her feel uncomfortable and weird. And she’s typically very tight lipped and private about vocalizing specific feelings like that publicly and unambiguously
Drake unfollowed her on Instagram right after the interview where Rihanna said this. And...all of this sounds so stupid, but for him to unfollow her knowing that there are blogs in Black media space whose whole thing is tracking and reporting that shit is passive aggressive. 100%
I’m jussayin...and I said a lot.
It’s like my dad says. “You gotta pay attention to how people move in the back alleys and trap doors of the world.”
You can follow @danblackroyd.
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