Fighting tears of rage and frustration right now
Thinking of all the time spent reading and learning about this fucking virus, the orders to employees to work from home after traveling (even before the state ever made orders), not letting people come into the office, staying home at the first symptom...
... and that’s not even counting being sick for close to 7 months, doing everything remotely, seeing my mother once since January, not sure if I’ll ever get to see her again...
... and the folks with all the power and resources who could have and should have done better by all of us ... simply and extraordinarily failing to do so.
We have all been learning about this in real time. I get that. But these folks, who have scoffed for months, are going to get the best medical care that money can’t buy, based on knowledge acquired through all of our collective suffering, and so many people dead or disabled ...
This just sucks. All of it.
I am fine (well, not really) - I’m safe. Just really sad. And really angry.
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