idk if it's because they covered view, highway to heaven (shinee vibes k) or they've got members that resemble onew, taemin and minho but drippin has that shinee/boy next door vibe and i've a feeling they're GOING TO BE the next big thing, don't @ me.
and when i say resemble, i don't mean looks (except for that one kid that rly be lookin like onew's son😩) i mean the TALENT because there's one kid in that group in particular that CAN DANCE and strongly reminds me of taemin.
bottom line, the potential is ASTOUNDING.
follow-up to this, notice how they're all moving in unison. lots of groups today can't even achieve this level of synchronicity. it seriously reminds me of shinee (it's not a comparison) these kids have serious talent.
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