a thread of carrds and petitions to give justice to the dalit women and educate yourself on the issue
http://dalitlivesmatter.carrd.co  although please don't use the # dalit lives matter or ______ lives matter because that is for another separate movement and means a lot to black people
please don't ignore this, casteism is a huge issue here and please spread awareness and sign petitions to help here. India's a shit place for anyone that isn't a cishet man in a higher caste, the caste system is stupid and the fact that people are still using it to discriminate+
+against eachother is terrible, and the media isn't covering any of this because they think that celebrity drug cases are more important than innocent dalit women being raped and killed by these animals.
check this thread out too to understand the situation a bit more‼️ https://twitter.com/Y4NGVISM/status/1312398863962005504?s=19
watch this as well https://twitter.com/HABIBIHENDERY/status/1312411614465982464?s=19
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