The way that Bayleigh played a final 4 game but didn't make it to jury because she's Black will always haunt me. This game and this cast ain't shit. #BB22
Some people are pressed about this so just to clarify, Tyler and Enzo maintained she was their #1 girl. Cody wanted her around a long time. She was friends with every single girl. Neither Memphis nor Ian had any issues with her. She was obviously close to David and Kevin.
The reason she "had to go" was because Klanmas is a backstabbing ass bitch, who said her issue was that BayDay were an "obvious Final 2." We all know the real reason was because all the Black folks had to go back to back, to protect their all-white alliance formed day 1.
So the boot order was going to be some variation of Kaysar, Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Kevin, David. Anything else that happened was a crapshoot. Bayleigh would've been pre-jury or she would've been 8th place, but really all those placements are interchangeable. They all got melanin.
So if you isolate Bayleigh's game, without the protection of an ALL WHITE KLAN, she got face time with every HG. She was friends with most. She played stealth up until the blindside of getting nominated by someone who she thought was her friend who turned out to be racist.
my POINT is that you literally cannot separate Bayleigh's race from her placement, because she played damn good. She just couldn't get into the all-white klan because she wasn't pasty. That's it.
Also, IF her and Day and Kevin and David and Kaysar had played a game saying "well let's band together because they did," it would be based on assumptions, and ya'll would be the same hypocritical ass people saying they shouldn't form alliances based on skin color.
Everything white people do is okay but the same thing done by Black folks and PoC isn't. Bay wasn't supposed to assume that the majority race in the house would form an alliance on exclusionary identity politics. She deserves a fair house and played as if she had one.
"but she didn't win" isn't valid bc neither did Nicole and she never once had to fear for her game. Even with every indication that Nicole and Cody were a duo. Ian and Nicole were a duo AND winners AND neither won anything and Klanmas STILL evicted Bayleigh.
I've disproved every single "but" argument thrown at me on this thread replies and still they keep coming. Like damn can y'all read at least? And be ignorant with your whole chest?
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