Since our government is useless, I’d like to clear up a few things for everyone right now:

1. masks don’t protect the wearer, they protect the people around them in case the wearer is infected

we did our best, but these fools still got themselves and everyone around them sick
2. a negative COVID test doesn’t mean you don’t have COVID

It can take up to a year for the CDC to research the accuracy of the type of tests we’re using to detect the virus- no one has that kind of time right now

experts believe 20-30% of results could be false negatives
3. for reals though, a negative test doesn’t mean you don’t have COVID

the tests may be less accurate in people who are asymptomatic or presymptomatic

it can take 3-5 days after exposure to detect the virus

a negative test is not a free pass to engage in your normal activities
4. If you’ve been around someone with COVID in the past 14 days, you need to quarantine.

Whether or not you have symptoms.

Whether or not you test negative.

Quarantine means you stay home for 14 days after your last exposure to the person with the virus.

14 full days.
5. If you get a positive COVID result, you need to isolate.

That means you stay away from even the people in your home, even if you don’t have symptoms. Use a separate bedroom, bathroom. Keep windows open if at all possible. FaceTime your family from your lonely COVID corner.
6. You need to get a goddamned flu shot.

Do it today. Stop making excuses.
7. Most importantly, please remember this.

When you ignore the advice of doctors and scientists on this, even just a tiny bit, you are killing people. And because contact tracing is difficult when you’re not POTUS, it’s easy to pretend it wasn’t you.

But it’s you. Please stop.
You can follow @erinscafe.
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