I cannot stress enough that Emily in Paris is a show about a woman who can’t dress herself
It’s deliberate, of course; the Eiffel Tower shirt is part of the more general flattering of the US audience, reassuring them that they are seen abroad as overkeen hicks and not as neo-imperialists
I’ve seen her initial follower count mocked, but this I find chic and aspirational, perhaps the only chic and aspirational thing on the show so far
There are a million men who look and talk and are the same, and a lot of bracingly wry humour about how rude the French are and how funny it is to walk up stairs to your apartment every day
Not to take this show seriously but it’s weird that they make the odd stab at commenting on Emily’s cultural chauvinism while having nothing to say about French imperialism
It feels like rather than 100% fluff, it has aspirations to comment on American arrogance, but only as a matter of etiquette when dealing with mostly white people from Western Europe. Like ... Emily should have better manners essentially. Which she should in fairness
I will readily admit to liking this coat
They captioned this knowing that someone would screenshot it and tweet ‘mood’. And here we are
I’m starting episode five now, but time alone will tell if I have the fortitude to make it to a finale entitled thus
By far the sharpest European cultural awareness this series has displayed so far. This is indeed 100% what British media would do
Her fascination with both members of a dubiously monogamous couple ... Tilda Swinton ... I feel queerbaited
Another semi-serious theme they keep returning to is ‘Americans work hard, the French relax’, which is an odd and blinkered framing but I guess an understandable one when she’s only talking to rich people in the 5th arrondissement
We’re definitely meant to cringe at the sex, and everything else is too tonally muddied to be certain, so in this respect the sex is the most successful element of the writing
Google search ‘how far in advance of release are Netflix shows written’
White Americans abroad really love joking about how they might be deported, huh
A mere six episodes in and we have our first genuinely good line
The lack of openly queer characters makes it unrecognisable to me as Paris, but that’s not at all to say I wish these writers had attempted it. Incredibly happy not to be represented in this colour-popped trashfire
How old were you when you found out Americans say ‘eggplant’
By the way I’m not commenting on the execution of the romance plot with the man because I don’t care, nothing has caused me to, and I just want to hear more of the old opera dude’s Gossip Girl takes
This bizarre national essentialising of the French as uniformly free and easy and refreshingly open about sex ... look, fine, I grew up in a very different Catholic country, but you can just really tell who wrote this show and who it’s for is all
The way this show dresses its Parisians makes it hard to assess how knowingly it’s dressing its Americans
With 20 minutes left, my assessment is that this show is a demographically narrow romanticisation of Paris as a utopia of workers’ rights, boring in its emotional stakes, and neither amusing nor pointed enough to work as satire; and so lives up to all the promises in the trailer
Done. Could have used more jokes & prettier visuals, within the remit of what the creators were attempting. But I knew what I was getting into. On the terms set out, as the high-fructose sedative we all expected it to be, ‘Emily in Paris’ is chef’s kiss. 0/5 and 5/5 en même temps
btw I've never seen Sex and the City, did not bother assessing this show by the metric of whether it is an accurate representation of Paris, and fancy Lily Collins ergo finding her more tolerable than anyone who doesn't would, all of which situates this thread in discourse
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