BREAKING NEWS: President Trump's physician either just mispoke horrifically and will need to fix it ASAP or accidentally revealed that Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 midday on Wednesday, meaning Trump lied to the nation and the White House is involved in a *massive* cover-up.
PS/ For instance, if Trump first tested positive midday on Wednesday, his *first* obligation would have been to contact the Biden campaign and alert them that the president had COVID-19 while they were on stage together in Cleveland at the first presidential debate Tuesday night.
PS2/ It *also* would mean that the president's trip to New Jersey 24 hours after his diagnosis would have been an act of *criminal negligence* of the sort that gets internationally written about when someone who knows they are sick goes on an airplane and we read about it on CNN.
PS3/ That is, we have no information to suggest that President Trump was masked while he met with donors in New Jersey on Thursday. If in fact he received his diagnosis on Wednesday, it means he decided to try and get cash from people who he might have been in the act of killing.
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