Canada is on Road to Serfdom

Government planning is a compromise of Freedom and a step towards Dictatorship

Government planning makes society less liveable, more brutal and despotic
Socialism is contrary to freedom
Nazism, is same as Communism.
Todays Socialists have learnt the plan of a
Road to Serfdom

Pandemic is the tool rather than war

We need to surrender freedoms to save the country against the War/Pandemic
The People will turn to someone who can make sense to the confusion and be a powerful force to Save Canada
Nobody can save the country and politics turns into a chaotic nightmare

People will turn to someone who can solve the problems

Road to Serfdom

Everyone needs to conform to the new leaders
The end of the world is coming and only
King Trudeau II can save us

"The world is in crisis,
Not just because of COVID-19.
But because of the last few decades. Because of you"

Trudeau UN Sept 25, 2020
We are under the illusion that this time its different
Its a new normal

Nothing in politics, history or economic is new. The world has seen it all before

These cartoons are from the book Road to Freedom. I hope they encourage you to read the book
You can follow @BillTufts.
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