Forgive me Thomas because I think you are a lovely man whom I respect but I have something to say.

You are an academic and your Very Civil ™️ academic approach has garnered zero results and the stakes are too high for people with no money or influence. They’re facing this ....
illegal manipulation in places they cannot escape.

You say you’re heterodox thinkers yet the only perspective I see amongst the thinkers you have gathered for your Harper’s open letter are very liberal to moderate liberal with some Never Trumpers. How disappointing. While ....
our neighborhoods burned at the hands of far-leftists groups like Antifa and BLM you chose to single out Donald Trump as the preeminent threat of illiberalism facing this nation. My God Thomas!

The mob is leftist. The illiberalism that has the power to ruin a person with ....
impunity is leftist. The mob that has the power to shame, harass at home, loot, riot, burn, tear down statues, rewrite history, promote racial segregation, promote sexism, expel from school, force job loss, deny access to banking, deny access to social media is leftist. ...
Your Harper’s letter was a very academic approach that sadly did nothing. This passive approach actually allowed the monster to grow for decades in the institutions you all inhabit. The immediate backlash and rejection by even some who signed was embarrassing. You were ....
torn to shreds by the mob and dismissed and discarded.

People keep implying this is a cultural matter. It is not. It is a political and legal matter. We need an Army. An army of politicians and well-funded lawyers backed by the best minds who understand the theory. The ....
trainings violate the law and our constitution and Trump took action. Action I doubt any politician on the left would be willing to take. They are all sympathetic to the lies, manipulation, distorted ‘facts’ about policing and race relations in America and they have the ....
backing of the media.

This isn’t a reaction to Trump. Give me a break man. He’s only been around for four years. It’s been growing under the watch of liberal academia for decades and it wouldn’t matter who was in office. He just provides the fuel that’s accelerating it. He ....
resists, is aggressive, so the insanity is heightened. Which, fuck it, let’s get it over with. It has to be dealt with. It’s not going away on its own.

You find Trump’s distastefulness and aggression a problem. Sadly, I believe your crowd has been a much bigger part the ....
problem with your passivity, excuses, and looking in the wrong direction. I blame you. ....
Antifa is an idea, not an organization.” - Joe Biden
"They're not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna stop after Election Day." - Kamala Harris
“I don’t care that much about statues. People do what they do.” - Nancy Pelosi
“They feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry.”

“If you’re trying to call for an end to unrest, but you don’t believe that healthcare is a human right, you aren’t willing to say ‘Black Lives Matter’… then you aren’t asking for an end to unrest. If ....
you don’t ask for those things, all you’re asking for is the continuation of quiet oppression.” - AOC
“The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform.”

It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis.” - Ilhan Omar
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