Trump mostly likely knew on Tuesday that he was sick & Covid-positive when he debated Biden. He likely got infected at the ACB super-spreader event at the WH last Saturday. And since he gets tested daily he must have known he was positive by Sunday 1/n
So by Sunday he knew he was Covid-positive as tested once a day. But as he was still asymptomatic & didn't want to miss the debate hoping to beat Biden & to delay revelation he was sick he lied about it. Then he & his sick clan arrived late to debate site 2 avoid being tested 2/n
So Cleveland Clinic team couldnt test Trump & his clan as they arrived late & had to rely on an honor system. But Trump knew he was sick by then & didn't want to miss the debate. As still asymptomatic he hoped he would stay this way & hush it all. Only his loyal Doc knew all 3/n
Only his loyal Doc knew Trump was sick on Tue. All his task force & his national security staff are out of the loop. They hushed it all hoping he would remain asymptomatic. Then they spinned that he got it from Hope on Wed to cover up that he already knew on Tue he was sick 4/n
So Trump most likely knew he was sick when he went to debate Biden & lied about it & avoided being tested on site by arriving late. Then he spent 90 minutes barking like a rabid dog at Biden, maybe hoping Biden get infected too. And he recklessly endangered 100s since Sunday. 5/n
How do we likely infer that Trump knew that he was sick with Covid when he debated Biden? It is the most logical sequence of events as he most likely got sick at the super-spreader event a week ago & he gets tested daily. & he's a pathological reckless liar. So it all fits. 6/6
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