The language of wokeness makes several simultaneous demands:
a) minor cognitive hurdles in mastering the vocabulary
b) emotional hurdles in overcoming embarrassment & humiliation
c) still greater social obstacles in sacrificing the practicality of language that says what you mean
There's a cliche of recent years that this language privileges those with the privileges to master it; true enough, but the main people it privileges is those *who don't have anything to hurt their heads*- no kids, lives, responsibilities to interfere with speaking only nonsense.
As people have fewer concrete personal responsibilities and become more atomized, not only does a language that represents social relations in solely abstract terms become more appealing to them, but their capacity to adopt this language increases because the costs are less real.
The Tablet article features Jess Krug, whose varied transracial exploits allowed her to capitalize on racial preferences. But in truth, simply being transracial in the first place- "denying thy father and refusing thy name"was a tool in putting the woke vocabulary to work for her
The woke ideology favors whose ties to past, family, identity do not interfere with the favored narratives being sold at any one time. Thus those - transracial, transgender, transclass, etc- who have *deliberately* severed their self-continuity appear its fastest adherents.
If you think selecting for breaks in self-continuity sounds like bad news in personal as well as political terms, you're right- there's a compelling theory of Canadian psychologist Michael Chandler tying such lack of continuity to suicide and depression.
This is perhaps also why the language of woke ideology tends simultaneously towards revolutionary insurrection and a defense of institutional power: the people most isolated and atomized will be both eager for institutional validation while also happy to burn everything else down
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