As the next #MScNPAPH cohort starts at @UoBrisSPS, some of us new alumni have been reflecting on a Year Well Spent - & what we wished we'd known. Buckle up, a thread of top #MSc tips follows.... 1/12
Your welcome week is different this year but you'll still get good introductions. Try & find Your People. Reach out, through Whatsapp or uni email. Most will be happy to hear from a friendly soul. Be kind to the silent ones. 2/12
Find your lecturers on Twitter. Follow them. Learn who they follow - and why. Some are up first thing in the morning, tweeting useful pointers. Follow others. #academictwitter is a fascinating, useful rabbit hole. Use it. 3/12
Network. If you liked a lecture - tell the lecturer. If it's an external lecturer, tell them. You never know when your paths may cross in the future, or when you need further insight into their research. They might even meet you for coffee. Or provide dissertation fodder. 4/12
Question. There ARE NO stupid questions. (There are, but chances are someone else is breathing a sigh of relief that you asked it). Every answer helps someone. 5/12
Embrace statistics - and if you don't understand a stat, don't use it. Push your limits of statistical comprehension. Chances are you'll understand more than you thought. Read this paper & the other books on your reading list 6/12
Get to know your librarian and email her. She knows more than you and if she doesn't know the answer, she knows where to point you. 7/12
Get to grips with the Assignment template in Word and how to use it. How to insert headings, update fields, insert captions. Be at ease with it sooner, rather than later (y'know, like the day before your dissertation hand in is a bit late 😳). 8/12
Learn Endnote or Mendeley and their capacity to help your referencing. Choose one and learn it. Ask the library if you don't understand them. Ask Google. Just learn it. 9/12
You are about to step into a world of fascinating study led by amazing academics, teeming with expertise. Use their intellect, ask them questions. They are clever, brilliant people but above all they are kind & they want you to flourish. 11/12
Enjoy the year. It's a weird one, isn't it? Online lectures, Kahoot, Flipgrid... the important thing is - you've got this. Go smash it. Enjoy and embrace every moment and remember this is your springboard, to new friends, jobs and opportunities. #MScNPAPH 12/12
You can follow @lucy_bull.
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