How to conquer your wilderness and feel content in chaos.

Becoming The Fulfilled Man.

The Western World has been in a slow decay since the end of WWII as science has replaced religion.

As a result, relativism has ushered in an era defined by nihilism.
Societies once known for their power are now known for their over-indulgence and are a neutered shadow of their former selves.

The citizens of the Western World are self-destructive and are now consumed by their vices.

Each man picks his own form of destruction.
The shallowness of life has left us with a lack of fulfillment.

Our quest to become God has only shown us we are all too human.
The story of the Holy Grail illustrates this perfectly.

As we become adults, we must all leave Camelot.

Men will enter the wilderness, a land where they must overcome themselves.

The Fulfilled Man will conquer the wilderness and himself and will find his Holy Grail.
If we want to ascend to Heaven, which is Fulfillment, we must master ourselves and our environment.

This is the idea of The Fulfilled Man.

A conqueror who embraces his shadow and the 7 sins and sublimates them into something creative rather than destructive.
This is an integral part of the story of man, as part of his Hero Journey.

The story of every great man is a tale of self-overcoming.

The Fulfilled Man will be a series built around your tale.

This thread is just the first step toward your quest of Fulfillment.
The head that wears the crown may be heavy,

But heavier is the soul of the man who is the cause of his own demise.
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