the problem with got7's line distribution:
youngjae edition

(read the full thread!)
DISCLAIMER!!! this thread isn't meant to bash/hate on the other members or to say they don't deserve their lines

it's a thread to highlight this issue and debunk some of the excuses i see

let me remind you that youngjae is the MAIN VOCAL before we start
PART 1: amount of lines + quality of lines
yes youngjae technically got the most lines in their debut song, however his "girls girls girls they love me" line was with jyp's voice mixed in so the only actual lines he got were 18 seconds of adlibs

he also had barely any centre time
now from A era to You Are era youngjae was pretty consistent in getting lines which was to be expected for the main vocal

he didn't always stand out the most or get the best quality of lines but he was still getting lines
from look era up until now:

(eclipse is skipped because there wasn't much issue with that song)
PART 2: debunking excuses

this part is made because i have seen many of the same excuses made for youngjae's lines and wanted to debunk them
1. "the songs aren't suited for youngjae"
2. "youngjae always gets the most"

this hasn't been true since 2017
3. "he gets lines in b-sides"

yes he usually gets lines in b-sides however those songs get significantly less attention than the title tracks and most people who aren't fans don't listen to them meaning the line distribution for them matters much less
4. "youngjae always shined in the past so let x member shine this time"
5. "stop focusing on the line distribution, it doesn't even matter"
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