Some of you got it twisted. I keep hearing it. the 1619 project isn't a revision of history it's the telling of the truth on this land. Ugly truths that WP spend centuries of removing from your history books. Telling our history through only a white lens isn't the truth.
That is revisionist history. Every time BP tell their stories no one wants to believe them. It's key to American exceptionalism but it's also key to silencing us and our stories. Our voices have to be questioned while you will believe any single thing a WM says even the lies.
It's while the state of Texas is where all school books go through. no other state. Of all states the one that not only allowed slavery to be defined as "unpaid workers" <= revisionism.

But the place where the last slaves were freed after TWO years of emancipation. JUNETEETH!!
y'all walking around believing that Wyte scholars re academics (libertarians) are the ones that get to tell our story instead of us. That wyte MSM are in control of our narratives in public view, not us.

One apology is not enough. looking at you NYT
It's why well-meaning wyte people never heard of Tulsa until a fantasy tv series. It's why you have no idea how many massacres were on this land. it wasn't just erasure it was lies to make sure no one would be held accountable for killing our ancestors.
Fast forward this is still happening. #AtatianaJefferson #BreonnaTaylor #SandraBland and countless more throughout history.

Do yourself a favor and check the states and the history of each of them. And then reread the 13th amendment.
And this is a reminder you are all living in a system that was almost entirely built on slavery. That was American wealth and economy profiting off of free labor. Now it's underpaid labor. The model hasn't changed.
Taxes aren't paid by the wealthy. It's paid by those same workers. The government is run by your taxes and yet when bailouts happen the wealthiest are given your money. You get pennies to make it look like it's balanced. It's literally never been balanced but sure be mad at us.
we are the ones attempting to remove American exceptionalism because it's the lie that allows you to believe a revised version of our history. And some of you are fighting like hell stop us. Blaming us for making you see the truth. why?
Some of you wonder how we got here in 2020. You aren't asking the right questions. It's always where we've been. Going back "to normal" is just going back to not seeing. Like the way you use "colorblind" a lie, all of you see color. You see a rainbow but somehow can't see us?!!
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