When former President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess Truman returned to the White House for a dinner in his honor in Nov. 1961, President John F. Kennedy couldn't decide on the evening's entertainment. (1/7)

Image Credit: JFK Presidential Library and Museum / NARA
White House Social Secretary Letitia Baldrige remembered that President Kennedy "wanted to do something after dinner that would really please" the Trumans. He considered various forms of entertainment, including showing a movie. (2/7)
Kennedy heard that a pianist named Eugene List, between Presidents Kennedy and Truman, was one of Truman’s favorites. "It would be fun to get him back," Kennedy told Baldridge. (3/7)

Image Credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum / NARA
Truman had apparently not heard List play in years, and, after dinner, guests sat in the East Room as List performed for a crowd of 43 guests. Baldrige later told an interviewer that Truman "had tears in his eyes." (4/7)
Not content to be an honored guest, however, President Truman sat at the piano and played Paderewski's Minuet in G. The performance was well-received. (5/7)
Truman's daughter, Margaret Truman Daniel, loudly noted "Oh, no, Dad, you aren't a member of Equity!" to great laughter. (6/7)
In the following photograph, President Truman plays the piano for guests in the East Room including Eugene List (standing). (7/7)

Image Credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum / NARA
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