Core concepts that every modern JavaScript developer should know well.

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1⃣Objects in Detail

a fundamental data type is the Object data type.

JS has one complex data type, the Object data type, & it has five simple data types

Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, and Null

these simple (primitive)data types are immutable, while objects are mutable
2⃣Prototype in Plain Language

A prototype is a fundamental concept

To understand prototype in JS you must understand objects in JavaScript

If you aren’t already familiar with objects, you should revise objects in detail.

a property is simply a variable defined on a function.
3⃣ Variable Scope and Hoisting

These concepts may seem straightforward; they are not. Some important subtleties exist that we must understand if we want to thrive and excel as JavaScript dev

You should know how variable scope & hoisting work in JS, if want to work well in JS
4⃣ JavaScript Closures

Closures allow JavaScript programmers to write better code. Creative, expressive, code

Closures might seem complex and beyond your scope, but after practice,

Closures will be much more easily understood & thus more appealing for your everyday JS tasks.
5⃣ JavaScript Callback Functions

Learn JavaScript Higher-order Functions, aka Callback Functions.

In JS, functions are first-class objects; that is, functions are of the type object & they can be used in a first-class manner like any other object (String, Array, Number, etc.)
6⃣ JavaScript’s “this”

The "this" keyword in JS confuses new and seasoned JavaScript developers alike.

You should understand how to use this correctly in every scenario.
7⃣ JavaScript’s Apply, Call, and Bind Methods:

Prerequisite to understand with ease 👇

* Understand JavaScript’s “this” With Ease, and Master It.
* JavaScript Objects
* Understand JavaScript Closures
Functions are objects in JS And as objects, functions have methods, including the powerful Apply, Call, and Bind methods.

On the one hand, Apply and Call are nearly identical and are frequently used in JavaScript for borrowing methods and for setting "this" value explicitly.
8⃣ OOP In JavaScript:


*JavaScript Objects in Detail
*JavaScript Prototype

OOP refers to using self-contained pieces of code to develop apps, these self-contained pieces of code called objects, better known as Classes in most OOP languages & Functions in JS.
Some More topics 👇

* Learn Node.js Completely
* JavaScript Custom Events
* Unit Testing of JS App
* DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation
* After this you must start hands-on one JS Front-end Framework like React, Angular, Vue
* Debugging Your Code

Happy coding & Good luck
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