I don’t know who started this #BAMEOVER campaign but if they are asking folks to contact MPs over terminologies when we have a hostile environment, stop and search and food poverty to deal then they need to get off the crack.
This is politics for the petite bourgeoisie.
If you don’t want to use BAME, don’t fucking use it. But do not divert attention away from serious problems in our society with this tedious nonsense. Changing the terms will not do anything about racism. If BAME is the most offensive thing to you maybe..check your own privilege.
Typical liberal nonsense. It’s not BAME that erases ones identity and turns people into an Other, it’s RACISM that does that. Naming everyone’s heritage does nothing to undo the Otherness of black and brown people in a racist society. That’s not where the battle lines are drawn.
The Black, BAME whatever arts sector really needs to get its head out of its arse on this. It’s sounding as far removed from working class peoples lives as the white middle class people it constantly moans about.
What are you doing beyond this BAME debate? If it’s nothing than move aside.
Actions speak louder than words and acronyms.
Trying to find a logical term in the illogical construction of race is not and never has been possible. So we seek to destroy racism and the very notion of race.
That is the radical position.
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