sometimes i really wish i was a few years older already and could just make my profile 20+ or 21+ :') not even to gatekeep but most people my age and younger are cocky and get themselves into so much trouble it's.... scary
i've been surrounded with older people all my life, even in school since i've skipped a few years very early on, so it honestly feels like i've blended together with the older generation :') not even in an 'oh i'm so mature' way but i literally just relate to their views and-
morals so much more

it's probably also why i'll always feel like the youngest one... but i'd rather be the youngest of a group i feel at home with than be the oldest of a group i'm embarrassed to be a part of
i hate the way this thread sounds LOL but i genuinely think i've just been really lucky making friends who have been very careful with me & helped me grow properly... the one con is that now i've ended up in a situation like this
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