Allison Pearson once again demonstrates profound and motivated ignorance

Vaccines are FOR those without the infection and are proven to save lives. When did you last have smallpox dumbass?*

Pearson's razor: If you dont get it, whine

*okay back to my clearly flippant hiatus
Dont save my childrens lives or me and my wine club will bash you.
Seatbelts?! You communist fuck get out of my country!
Public sewers?! I have a right to cholera you corbynist shill. Ill smear it on my damn face with a flag.
Fire extinguishers?! Not in my house!! Fucking lib pussies.
You have breaks on your car?! Take Stalins dick out your mouth you cuck.
Water sanitisation?! Churchill would roll over in his grave.
(To a patient with heart disease and high blood pressure) Antihypertensives?!?! You have given in to those hippy lefty whiners. Saboteur. Just take it in the chest. Wheres your Dunkirk spirit?!
Traffic lights. All I see is a red light you maoist prick. #eatouttohelpout
Lifeboats?! On this ship?!?! Thats it, me and my Karen army are going to write the longest letter.
Where the fuck is @JimMFelton with a Simpsons meme?!
The major theme here is the efficacy of primary prevention strategies reducing the incidence rate of illness, which reduces in turn the prevalence, morbidity, mortality and economic cost. Dumbass capitalist cant even recognise burning her own altar.
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