The very idea that Trump “deserved” this because he did not mask all the time & go into isolation is just a lie.

One of my “essential employees” did everything they were told. Masking at work, hand washing etc. They still caught COVID after 6 mo of working non-stop /1
Think of all the essential employees that can say the same. They operate under strict rules when dealing with the public & the virus still gets through. That is just a fact.

In putting out these qualifiers Democrats & the media are basically saying that if you /2
or a loved one gets sick it’s YOUR fault. Meanwhile, we have seen @SpeakerPelosi & @SenFeinstein eschew mask protocols & heard leaders in PA call them “political theater”.

If the Speaker or the Senator had caught COVID after their maskless escapades, would the meme be /3
they “deserved it”? Somehow I doubt it. In the same vein, if they are caught on camera behaving this way, it is not a single incident. They are no more careful than the President.

We all know that it is close contact for at least 15 minutes with an infected person that /4
is the most likely disease transmission route. That is per the CDC. Not being on a stage appropriately socially distanced, or at a debate that is also distanced or in the distanced Rose Garden. /5
We also know per NYT reporting that up to 90% of tests are detecting viral RNA incapable of causing an infection or being transmitted.

The CDC says a symptomatic individual can shed detectable non-infectious viral particles for 90 days. /6
We also know some significant portion of the population has reactive T cells that confer a good defense against COVID.

Taking these items together, people who will never get sick, never transmit the disease and may have come in contact with it weeks ago & never /7
had a symptom will test positive because of harmless RNA fragments left from their body’s own immune response.

And TADAAAAA! Super spreader event. Allegedly. There is no way 11 members of the WHPC got COVID from the events I’ve been watching & I seriously wonder /8
How many have any symptoms at all. The only way we would know for certain how individuals end up with RNA in their nose, is to do genetic testing on the virus like was done in Iceland. We of course won’t.

So how/where people were exposed to the virus is mostly /9
speculation. This could ALL be fixed if the FDA would make the PCR cycle threshold standard. South Korea uses 32, Germany uses a similar number. Our labs use 37-40 which will pick up far lower concentrations of viral RNA. /10
Not live virus. Viral RNA. The PCR test does not now & has never been an indication of a viral infection in the absence of symptoms.

Clearly, much lauded South Korea has figured out the appropriate measure. One really needs to ask why we are not following their lead. /11
But I think we all know the answer to that question. /end
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