50% of people affected by #epilepsy are women. For us lot with the XX chromosomes, epilepsy frequently leads to additional serious issues/considerations - whether we have/desire children or not.

- Seizures around periods (catamenial epilepsy)
- Additional mood fluctuations resulting from delightful hormonal variances (the stress of which can lead to seizures)
⁃ Reduced energy levels due to blood loss (periods) (which can lead to seizures)
Pregnancy/reproduction fears...

⁃ Regular societal expectations for sexual reproduction - with complete disregard of the additional stresses of doing so when one has #epilepsy;

⁃ Fewer options regarding contraception due to drug interactions (equalling extra stress);
⁃ Pregnancies themselves (which cause hormonal fluctuations & stress which can lead to seizures and potential loss of fetus/baby);

⁃ Far greater emphasis on planning pregnancies due to potential impacts on AEDs on the fetus/baby & reduced absorption rates of vitamins;

⁃ Accepting risk of AEDs on the fetus/baby;

⁃ IF choosing to have children, figuring out how they will cope with the stress & lack of sleep without having #seizures;

- Bone breakage (thanks hormones & AEDs - particularly when going through stages of #menopause);

Women need appropriate specialist healthcare regarding the above to help then manage & have fulfilled lives.

Plus, do note: having 50% of the population happier and healthier, shall lead to greater happiness & health for the other 50% 😉

#feminism #equality #epilepsy

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