Stop flexing the amount of years of fps experience you have
You can have 30 years of it and still be a massive pile of shit at aiming, its obsolete.
Go back to your aim trainer and keep convincing yourself that it helps lol
Also aim coaches, stop scamming people.
Also people who pay for aim coaching, get better at the game naturally how about that you stupid fucks
CoD isnt a viable game to showcase aiming skill
Kovaaks doesnt do anything other than warm you up for the game you main, unless u main fucking kovaaks (yikes)
You're not an aimer you're just on high sens and hardstuck silver on apex
While I'm at it; caustic players suck my dick
CS players have the biggest egos but cant back then up 90% of the time in their own game
So many cs players went to Val bc it's easy picking for teams not bc it's a better game
Val is cool but was overhyped (who could have seen that coming LOL)
Apex has significantly less cheaters than most games but people fail to admit it because they're in denial
Streamers who have their twitch link as their name ingame DESERVE TO BE STREAMSNIPED
No one is coming to your stream other than to clip you screaming at your PC
Paying someone to boost fps for games on your computer is a scam
Stop trying so hard in apex pubs, we get it, you suck at ranked. Go fight and stop camping buildings as fuckinG WRAITH AND BANG LMAO
If you main octane you might as well let your teammates know you're throwing
Lastly if you have an aiming warmup routine you need to get a job bro just play the fucking game and get good for once
Stop trying to get someone to spoon feed you, you're not 10.

Fuck you
I'm going to bed I just pissed myself off LOL
Sup fellas, rags here
20 years fps experience
Level 8 faceit, A rank esea, played s few seasons of league for da memezzz xD
300hr Apex savant
8k hr cs GOD
1k hr fallout 3 master
Guess u can say I'm pretty poggers
*breath* ya it's so ez being beast
Oh ya I take adderall btw
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