This is not a personality trait or a normal thing honestly. This is capitalism.
Capitalism makes you believe you’re useless if you’re not using your skills constantly. The depression isn’t because you’re a hustler lol. It’s because of capitalism making you believe you’re only worthy of happiness and a quality of life if you’re working.
And this is coming from someone who experiences the same. I am constantly doing things because I’ve subconsciously attached my worth to my ability to contribute to the world/others. It’s awful.
I always get angry when I think about my aunt who was like my second mother. She worked 4 jobs as a health aide. She used to work overnights, doubles, etc to provide for her family here and in Kenya. She died going to work because she fell asleep behind the wheel at night.
And got into a head on collision with a Ram truck. Instantly killed her and it angers me thinking that this was only because she was so exhausted from working all of those jobs and doing so many double shifts and overnights to where she wasn’t sleeping much. Ugh I’m mad now.
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