I am now taking a break from the blogathon to cook lunch and stop staring at a screen etc. But here’s a thread of everything posted this morning...
First up, a post which explains what I’m doing and why. This was posted before I did the10 mile run.

Then a short post about the run itself and some rules I’m setting myself to make sure I don’t burn out.

Then there was a short post about the Breaking More Waves monthly playlist update (which you should all follow 😉)

The next post featured 2 artists who were booked for @DialsFestival separately but have collaborated on a great piece of wonky electronic pop together. Namely Amongst The Pigeons and Tom Wells

Then I bashed out some thoughts on missing live music, mental health and running (as I’ve been doing a lot of running as there are hardly any gigs)

Plus there was a short post about the bloody marvellous new single from @AvecSans

Finally and starting to run out of steam I featured the latest song from Millie Turner ‘Eye of the Storm’. Time for a break!

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