I am so angry. I am 95% certain that my daughter was spiked last night with GHB. I took her to the Horton Hospital to be tested so we can take it further with police & warn other local girls. I couldn’t go in (Covid). I asked them to call so I could discuss all her symptoms...
The nurse was completely dismissive with her. Told her she was probably drunk. That they don’t test people for date rape drugs & then took her bloods & a pregnant test. Then kicked her out after an hour. They didn’t even call to get her symptoms off me. 😡
She’s too upset to even tell other girls now. She thinks that if the hospital don’t care. (The people who are meant to care.) Then other girls in the pub will just think she was drunk. But other girls need to be warned that something isn’t right & someone had bad intentions.
I’m really angry with the lack of compassion or interest that the nurse showed in her. The nurse has not even come up with any other logical explanation for her symptoms etc. They have just assumed she is a silly drunk girl without even making an informed decision.
Why is there nobody at Horton Hospital that can be arsed to take this seriously? It is negligent to not take seriously a teenage girl saying she’s been spiked. They didn’t even bother to ask her if she was raped!!! Thankfullly she wasn’t as her friend called me to get her.
Surely hospitals should have specialist nurses to assist girls (or guys) who think they have been spiked. There should at least be help sheets to help them work out what to do next, even if it didn’t result in sexual assault or worse.
She can’t remember anything from last night. She barely knew who me & her best friend were. She was sick & shaking. She was comatosed for 14 hours & has no energy to move today. I sat & watched her all night & her body didn’t even move. She was in a heavy sleep & floppy.
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