
Bob Woodward is a an old man seeking to squeeze every last drop of attention he can from the world. His stated reason for not wanting to release the remainder of his taped conversations with Trump is they contain false statements by Trump. One might infer he
believes making the tapes available could affect the outcome of the election and that he would not want to be responsible for doing so. The hunger some known highly partisan Democrats and "liberal" bias media outlets have expressed to hear those tapes, seemingly only because they
contain false statements by Trump provides support for Woodward's alleged concern. But what number or nature of false statements by Trump, post the more than twenty thousand documented by Danial Dale et al at the Washington Post, could possibly have more than a negligible
marginal impact? I submit there is no such number of false statements but Woodward would like us all to believe the nature of some of the false statements he cites is sensational(istic) in order to encourage us all to buy the book to find out what they were after they enter
the realm of "history". Which leads me back to the first assertion in this thread. Woodward is using what I infer is likely the pretense of pre-electoral prudence to try to maintain interest in whatever lies he, at best, cleverly extracted from Trump just to inflate his own ego.
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