Today is #BoyfriendDay & you're not celebrating anyone??? Oh well, this thread is for you😌👊🏾

1. Meet new Guys: Actually you don't need to do this if you already have someone in mind. But if you don't, you've to leave ur confort zone & get yourself one. DM random guys, use Dating apps. Socialize as much as you can.
While doing this have in mind the kind of guy you want.
2. Get to know him a little: when you see a candidate, get to know him a little, then you decide if he is the kind of guy you want.
You want someone smart, funny, nice, cool, here you decide.
Try as much as possible not to judge by looks. Looks can be deceiving tbh.
3. Make sure your candidate is not in a relationship: if he has a girlfriend, stay away. You wouldn't want someone lurking your boyfriend if you were in his girlfriend's shoes. Just be friends or possibly change your direction entirely.
4. Ask about him: try being friends with his friends, ask around, ask his friends, neighbours, coursemates, coworkers.
Oh well, people may say trash about him, so it's best you do this yourself, & also sometimes people are right to. So doing both is advisable.
5. Take it slow: now you know he isn't in a relationship, try spending time with him occasionally, remember you're the one asking him out, take things slow, don't act desperate. If he doesn't like you, you'll know. And when you know, just don't waste your time. Move on.
6. Be unique, don't form what you're not: I tell you, guys love girls that stand out, girls that see the world a little bit different from the way other girls view it. Show him the best parts about yourself, don't go to the extreme, 'a reasonable guy will be OK with that'.
7. Be approachable: because you're the one asking him out doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about yourself or open up yourself for him to reach you whenever he wants. Ah mean you should make him feel comfortable askin you to hangout with him. He should know you're always available.
8. Communicate: Communication is the key. You mistakenly bumped into him, say hi and make efforts to elongate the conversation. Compliment his shirt, his canvas, his wristwatch, anyfin. The more you talk the more he gets closer to you. And that's a great way to build a friendship
9. Bonding: nowadays, guys tend to date people with whom they have more things in common than just attraction. For example, he plays COD mobile with passion, put COD on your phone and play too. These will make him crave you more and more. Also makes interaction easier.
10. Know him as a person: now you want to know if he is really the kind of person you want to invest ur heart in. You may not like everything about him, also have in mind you can't change people. Ask about childhood experiences let him know you're interested in his personal life.
11. Ask about his relationship life: here you ask questions to know if he is open to a relationship. Maybe he just stepped out from a toxic relationship, maybe he is not just ready. Whatever, respect his feelings. You can wait if his replies are negative. All depends on you.
12. Make him the best version of himself: everyone wants to be with someone who makes them a better person. Support whatever he does, and push him to do better. Remind him when he has work to do. Make positive suggestions for him also.
13. Be your best self: show him you're winning because of the friendship. Whenever something good happens to you, somehow push the glory to him. Make him feel king.
14. Independence: Never be afraid of being totally honest about your likes and dislikes. Let him know what you think about issues and don't just agree with everything he says....
And also, One of the reasons many guys avoid relationships is because they feel it will trap them or keep them from doing things they like to do. Show him that if he's with you, this will not be the case.
15. Don't be afraid to make the first move: I tell you, guys are shy. The fear of rejection. So the guy may be shy, and probably contemplating making a move. So don't be scared, make the move if you've solid proofs of him liking you.
16. Flirt with him: flirting with him, will definitely show him the light. Touch his hair, clean his cloths when dusty, slap is arms whenever he makes a joke. Show him your interested in him.
17. ASK HIM OUT!: if he still hasn't asked you out, fix a good meal, get CDs, make your bed well, invite him and play blues. 😌.
While eating talk about relationships, tell him how you feel.😌
Oh well with this thread, you shouldn't be single by this time next year.

No guy will reject you with technique, except he is suffering from Relationship PTSD or any other reason best known to him.
Follow me @Napaul_ 😏 & anticipate my podcast 🤲🏿 😊
Tag your single female friends & help their life😉
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