Yet one more thing really annoyed me (as if I needed more) about certain Never Trumper vagaries. Here's David French a few years back on manhood:
So Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17 year old who wants to help out in his community, goes to protect a business with a gun but also a med kit, helps treat injured protesters. He's not acting tough, bragging, showing off. This is a kid who is trying hard to be a man.
I personally think it's obvious he was acting in self-defense and did little to bring catastrophe down on himself. But even if you want to argue it was dangerous, it was well-meaning actions in PRECISELY the mold that Carney and French would want. You'd think.
Naturally, both writers shit all over him.

French (emphasis added to emphasize he thinks said Christian are wrong, of course):'
So apparently Carney wants men to be protectors in the very narrow sense that he described in his first article--the kind of guy who'd never try to sleep with a woman but always be waiting around to beat up the guy who would try.

So basically, pajama boy with a right hook.
Other than that, Carney clearly doesn't think much of men going out to protect property or women they aren't already sexless friends with.

I guess French thinks the road to manhood lies through law school and a few years in Iraq.
You can be troubled by kids stepping up when the police won't. I myself would not let my then 6'3 son at 17 go out to protect businesses unless I was standing by to beat the shit out of anyone who threatened him, which kind of defeats the manhood point.
But it's utterly graceless to watch all the videos of him that night and not see a boy who is trying to become a good man. And it's beyond nasty for French and Carney to single him out for stupidity given their prior odes to manhood.
It's also utterly impossible to believe they would have said the same thing if the president was a Republican who their wise readers obediently voted for on their sayso.
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