Ok so I'm going to made it myself https://twitter.com/grettalks/status/1312012990892306433
Atsumu was being invited to a gala, for the first time in his life, and he had no idea what to wear. Sure, he wasn't completely blind in fashion, he survived many formal events as pro athlete before but this event was different he knew he needed to do it well.
Asking Osamu was so out of the question. The guy's best advice was, "As long as it's comfy." So Atsumu needed someone, but he also had no idea who could help him so he just wandered around shopping mall, hoping he would find something. Anything.
That was when he bumped into Azumane Asahi.

"Ah." Atsumu didn't immediately remembered his name, but he recognized his face anywhere. The former Karasuno's ace.

"Oh. Miya Atsumu-san?"

And when he said Atsumu's name, that was when Atsumu remembered Asahi's.
And he also remembered that Shoyo told him about how Asahi worked as fashion designer apparel.

"Fancy meeting you here!" Atsumu exclaimed. "Just right on time when I need your help!"

Asahi looked confused, but he let Atsumu dragged him away. Srsly, he was too gullible.
"I hope you're free right now because I kinda need your help!" Atsumu explained. "I have a gala to attend and I don't what to wear. Shoyo said you work in fashion. So you can help me, right?"

Asahi blinked at him, but then laughed softly. "Lucky you I'm free now."
"Great!" Atsumu clasped his hands together. "So. Now what to do?"

Asahi chuckled, but he gestured to Atsumu to follow him.

And Atsumu ended up spending the rest of the day with Asahi.
The guy srsly had the best taste. He picked the right suit for Atsumu, along with the shoes, and Atsumu swore he never looked more handsome.

Atsumu made Asahi had dinner with him afterwards as a thank you even though the guy timidly refused--
--he was so confident when picking Atsumu's clothes it kind of surprised him when he showed his timid self again.

But Atsumu was nothing but persistent, and tbh, he really enjoyed spending time with Asahi.
He didn't know him well back in high school aside from just the ace of Karasuno, and now he mostly heard about him from Shoyo. Or sometimes Bokuto, because Bokuto was close with Kuroo and also Sawamura, and Asahi was still so close with Sawamura.
But this was the first time he ever talked this much with Asahi and got to know him better.

Before he knew it, he already blurted, "Why don't you come as my date to the gala?" and quickly, before it got too awkward, "You're the one who dressed me up anyway."
Asahi blinked at him again for the second time in that day. Atsumu already thought of an argument to make Asahi agreed, but it seemed like Asahi had learned how persistent he could be, so he said, "Alright," with his shy smile.
And when Atsumu's heart skipped a bit at the sight, he dismissed that as just an excitement of making a new friend.
Little did he know, that it was just a start. The date in gala went extremely well. Atsumu didn't even want to part with Asahi that night but Asahi had to go home. Blurting out asking Asahi to be his date for one night is one thing--
--but asking him to stay the night was another thing. Even Atsumu didn't know how to make the invitation sounded innocent.
But luckily, he got Asahi's number now and they hang out pretty often.

Mostly it was random texts. Atsumu loved to send him cute cats or dogs videos because apparently Asahi loved them.

He also consulted about his outfits now.
"Don't you want me to look bad in front of paparazzi?? I also have to look good in front of fans all the time, Asahi. Now tell me which jacket should I wear."
But some of the times, Atsumu would tell Asahi stuff he never told anyone else. Because he knew Asahi would never judge him for it.
"Daichi and Suga wanna come along with me for our lunch tomorrow. Is that okay?"

Ooookay so Daichi and Suga apparently had caught up in Atsumu's actual intention; to actually date Asahi. Even though Asahi himself still pretty oblivious.
Atsumu wanted to say no. Because Daichi and Suga would definitely give him shovel talk despite the fact that he hadn't even confessed to Asahi yet.

But he also wanted to say yes. Because Daichi and Suga were important for Asahi and thus important for him too.
In the end he gave the okay, endured Daichi and Suga shovel talk when Asahi was in the bathroom--Daichi was a policeman, so Atsumu understood well that he was intimidating, but Suga?? How could an elementary school teacher be that scary??
But in the end, Daichi said, "Hinata says good stuff about you. That you're faithful despite your image. And it's clear that you care about Asahi so much so... take good care of him, okay?"
At the end of that stressful lunch, when Atsumu parked his care in front of Asahi's apartment after he drove him home, Atsumu decided to just confess now because there was no way he would endure this stress for nothing.
At least if he was rejected, the stress would be all on him now instead of later.
But when he finally confessed, instead of blink adorably blinked at him like he expected, Asahi blushed prettily and smiled.
"I know. I just didn't think that you will actually confess," was Asahi's answer when Atsumu asked why he wasn't surprised.

Now, it was his turn to blink dumbly at Asahi. "You /knew/ ?? Oh my Goooood."
But in the end, he got a sweet kiss on the cheek from Asahi, so he considered he still win.

A lot.
-- end of thread --

There. Done. #atsuasa
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