dude has done more than any individual to intensify the already inherent violence of the US settler-colonial empire in the last decade. he has superintended state violence & incited increased popular violence against Muslim/Black/indigenous/Latinx/Jewish people as President.
he is a documented, repeated sexual predator. he called for the extra-judicial killing of Black teenagers wrongfully imprisoned for a murder they didn't commit, & never went back on it. his class status is wholly inherited from his Klansman, slum landlord dad.
and you fucking insipid liberal journalists & politicians wanna take a little break from justifying imperialist wars, why ppl shouldn't get healthcare & why it's good to endlessly labour till we drop dead to dole out moralist lectures about "we're all human", "show empathy"
lol NOOOOO, fuck him and fuck you.

justice and freedom for all the oppressed and exploited in this grieving world. death to white supremacy.
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