If I said I loved gay people, but I thought that pride should be cancelled, section 28 should be brought back in, same sex marriage should be abolished, gay people should be banned from places where there are children, or public toilets or the like... I'd still be homophobic.
This is exactly what a large section of JK Rowling's Death Eaters do with trans people. She says she loves us, so that's a fact, regardless of all of the evidence to the contrary, or the damage that she causes us, or how the community feels about it.
Allyship isn't something you get to declare yourself, as an outsider. It's something a community bestow upon you. It's the pinnacle of privilege to decide that you know best for a group that you have no real understanding of, something you really see from the elites.
In the UK, this is a real problem, in so many areas of life. The quicker old fashioned newspapers die and take their columnists with them the better. Each day, extremely middle class people put forward their hot takes on issues they don't have a Scoobie about.
From education, to minority rights, they pontificate on how their dinner party chat has solved the world's problems, without any deeper understanding of the myriad of interconnected issues.

We now have one of these columnists as our Prime Minister..
And you can see reality is a lot more difficult than their "Simply..." hot takes.

Transphobia is rife in the UK. There's a reason that we're called TERF Island, and we must lay the blame at the door of our media, and our politicians, and their ridiculous overlap.
The big 3 parties (Con, Lab, SNP) all have problems with institutional transphobia, they all have roles responsible for trans rights filled by extreme transphobes, they have all refused to take action against transphobic members or parliamentarians.
I didn't write this out, I'm just thinking out loud, so I don't have a nice, neat conclusion here. But if you are in one of those parties, and want to be classed as an ally, then please do keep putting pressure on your local party. Challenge selections. Challenge everything!
We are being used as a pawn in a culture war. We didn't ask for this.

Most of us wouldn't have even probably listed reform of the GRA as our #1 priority. Better physical and mental health would be first. Personally, I'd put NB recognition before GRA reforms too.
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