If you know me you know that I don't use profanities, the most I'll say is, "ch***ya", that too very rarely, I'm working on to stop saying it altogether & here's why you should stop using women centric cuss words too:
The etymological origin of many cuss words reflect the patriarchal nature of our society & their casual use could lead to the promotion of sexist & misogynist behaviour. After continuous & repeated use of these words over decades, if not centuries it has been so normalised-
that the link between these words & the crimes has been well established. It has become an impulsive response in people's minds that as to hurt someone you can always harm their mother or sister. You might say it casually and doing so might not cross your mind but it-
certainly does cross numbers of minds everyday, a rape case every 15 minutes is proof enough.
The most common way to abuse a woman is to call her a "whore," "slut," or "bitch"- suggesting that her mind functions the way it does because she has no control over her body.
Ironically, people who defend a female victim from such profanity from a man, ask him if his mother or sisters were whores for him to talk thus. The most common way to abuse a man is to call him names like SOB, MF, SF or by asking if women in his family are whores or sluts.
The man in question is supposed to feel insulted because the women in his family are "dishonorable". The abuse is directed at them rather than at him. His shame is supposed to come from his failure in preventing their immortality.
We define women by the relationship that they have with men. It should not be necessary for any woman to be treated "like a sister" or "like a mother" if she must be unharmed, it should be sufficient if she's treated as a person and not a piece of meat. Nor it should be-
necessary for any man to imagine his sister or mother undergoing a violation to realise that this is wrong. If all this doesn't make sense to you, logic clearly suggests when the use of these words started they were used in literal sense and eventually turned into a joke.
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