Interesting discussion between @marvinjrees and @simsonpete on how #Bristol can tackle the #ecologicalemergency at the same time as building new housing and achieving all its other objectives - from 17m30s into this video 
"We have a climate emergency, we have a housing emergency, we have a poverty emergency, a hunger emergency and an #ecologicalemergency and we have to deliver on all those things at the same time" says @MarvinJRees
"The challenge that the #ecologicalemergency is going to take on is how do we deliver nature, while at the same time actually building in #Bristol - building homes and building workspaces"
The @WildlifeTrusts recognise that nature-rich housing developments, designed with environmental sensitivity & green infrastructure at their heart, can provide people wth easy access to nature where they live & work & deliver multiple social, environmental & economic benefits
We have produced guidance and standards to help developers and local authorities ensure that all new developments achieve the highest standards of design for wildlife, water and wellbeing 
#BrislingtonMeadows will not be an easy site to square all of this. It is a Local Wildlife Site designated for its grassland habitats and recognised in @WoENP maps as an important area for water quality and flood management  @KerryMP @TimTipper
#BrislingtonMeadows has been earmarked for development in local plans since 2014 as part of #Bristol's 2008 strategy to sell some of its green space to fund improvements to the rest 
“There is a stream running through it which we have to keep while making sure we do build anywhere that is likely to flood. These streams tend to disappear in the summer but become torrents in the winter"  #BrislingtonMeadows
“It is a very sensitive site because of the #ecology and the open space that is available for people to use. This reduces how many homes you can build because you need to be sensitive to the issues"  #BrislingtonMeadows
If @HomesEngland are going to go ahead with development here, there is a real challenge to maintain the ecological function of the Meadows and mitigate the impact on species and habitats.
The development would need to be built to excellent ecological standards in line with , with any impacts that can't be mitigated onsite more than made up for off-site in line with the Government's policy on net gain
This development is happening under current planning rules, which the Government is planning to rip up to let far more development go ahead without proper consideration 
This Government made commitments to reverse wildlife declines in the UK. Planning reforms MUST be a key part of this. Join @WildlifeTrusts in making the case for planning rules that protect nature 👉
You can follow @IanBarrettSW.
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